No More Back-to-School Blues

No More Back-to-School Blues

September 29, 2024

By Jodie Patterson

As the school bell rings and you dry off those beach clothes, we know that school is back in session. As we kick off the school year, just know that the fall is about more than just academics and books. It is important to incorporate a regular workout into your routine, ensuring both a physical and emotional foundation. With that said, adding an energizing family-friendly workout is a great way to connect with your kids, foster community, hold one another accountable, and celebrate the victories along the way as you gear up for the new school year.

I am excited to share some insights and tips to make your workout more enjoyable and rewarding. So, put those sand toys away, grab your tennis shoes, get the kids, and let’s get ready for some fun-filled energizing workouts. Here are four fun workouts you can do alone or with family and friends. Now let’s dive in.


Workout 1: There is Nothing better than a Quick Weekend Energizer

But why? Morning workouts can boost your energy, improve focus and mental clarity, and most importantly, it increases your metabolism.

  • Knee Lifts-30 seconds (2nd round High Knees)
  • Jumping Jacks-30 seconds
  • Body Weight Squats-30 seconds
  • Push-Ups-30 seconds
  • Plank-30 seconds

Repeat the entire circuit twice, and finish with a group hug and a round of fresh fruit smoothies. This quick workout is guaranteed to wake you up and get the weekend off to a promising start.

hiit workouts in a gym

Workout 2: Dynamic Dance Party

But why? Dancing puts you in a good mood, it improves coordination, increases flexibility, and speeds up your metabolism.

Start with some dynamic stretches to get your body prepared to move, arm circles, leg swings, torso twists, and big hugs.

Now, have each person put on their favorite upbeat song and dance. You can freestyle, do a dance circle, or even try following the leader. The format is up to you – but no matter what you do, you must be free and have fun.

** Tip if the kids are tired after school or even if you just need a pick me up doing the work day put on a tune and dance around.

people in a dance class

Workout 3: Family and Friends Fun Field Day

But why? A field day is simply just fun. Field days are a great opportunity for growth and bonding. It allows adults to connect to their inner child, it affords us time to just go outside and play like we did when we were young.

Sound the alarm. Send out that group text to family and friends and meet at the park. Then, grab those hula hoops, scarves, potato sacks, and balls and get ready to have the best core workout because you will be laughing from your gut.


  • Hula Hoop Pass
  • 3-Legged Race
  • Potato Sack Race
  • Over Under Ball Pass
  • Ball Toss
  • Dodge Ball

**Have everyone bring a dish and end it with a dance party and picnic.

a family working out together

Workout 4: Relate and Relax

But why? Relaxing helps relieve tension. We are always on the go. Everyone is busy, busy, busy, and we never truly take the time to breathe. We must take a moment to do a brain, breath, and body check-in because it is all connected. We have to make sure they stay in constant communication with one another.

Start with some deep breaths. Slowly inhale through your nose, hold four counts, and then exhale through your mouth for 60 seconds. Each person can take a turn leading a pose.


  • Mountain pose (promotes good posture)
  • Chair pose (strengthens muscles)
  • Tree pose (opens hips)
  • Warrior (balance and stability)
  • Cat Cow (Increased spinal mobility)
  • Savanasa (Calms the mind)

people doing yoga

Remember to make it fun, involve everyone, stay consistent, and be supportive. Working out is a journey – not a destination. We are constantly changing, and it is imperative that we stay flexible but also be nice to ourselves. Working out is also a way of life, and we want to encourage the habit early on. So, set a monthly family goal, create a chart to mark your progress, and decide on the special family treat for meeting the challenge. Stay motivated, stay consistent, keep a positive mindset, and have fun. Be encouraged, and here’s to an awesome and active school year.

Jodie Patterson is a group fitness instructor at Crunch Fitness.

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